Proverbs 22:4
By humility and the fear of the LORD
Are riches and honor and life. NKJV
The reward for humility and fear of the LORD
is riches and honor and life. ESV
The reward of humility and the fear (reverence) of the LORD
Are riches, honor and life. NASB
Honor, my One Word for 2014…this verse in Proverbs points to rewards for behaving as God wants me to. He wants humility from me… meekness, gentleness, lowly mind, modesty. To walk humbly before the LORD also takes fear, I believe. This fear looks like reverence, respect, obedience, submission to His discipline, worship of Him in awe. God’s character is majestic, powerful, mighty, just, holy, good, merciful, never changing, and I have barely begun. Because of Who He is, He is Who I am to bow before in complete awe. His authority is due all respect and obedience. He is God. I honor Him with my all.
As I am humbled before my great God, I read that I can receive rewards. They may come as earthly ones, but God has spiritual blessings for me as I learn to walk in His ways, in the humility which He calls me to walk. Riches, His honor, promises and privileges by the covenant of grace, and eternal life are His to give to me. Those are what I seek more than any thing, more than any one. By this, I am honored. I do receive His honor and love when I walk the path He calls for me. There is a price for this honor and one I am most willing to give.
Honor means so much ~
Father, I am honored to be able to come to You at any time, for I want to know You, and seek Your face. I know, Father, that I am loved and Yours. I so want to be the child I was created to be…obedient, lowly and gentle as Your Son, filled with respect. I want these for myself, not for any rewards, but because I love You so dearly. I want the earthly one here pecking away on this keyboard to be mindful of only You and not of me. I am not of this earth any longer, but am Yours and a sojourner in this place. Forgive me when I error off of Your path. You know I need Your steering often. You walk with me and I know that, LORD. You hold me near and guide my steps, for which I am so very grateful. I am loved for You loved me first. In the Beautiful Name of Jesus. Amen.
We love Him, because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19
Filed under: God's Word, OneWord365, Pondering